Network Slices Demo

Inter-domain Mesh Network

5GASP Validation Service

Experimental Triplet Deployment Demo


5Growth Efacec Energy Pilot

5Growth Efacec Transportation Pilot

End-to-end Interdomain Network Slicing

Hardening Interdomain Vertical Services with Moving Target Defense (MTD)


Design and implementation of an Integrated Private 5G Network

Design and implementation of a Public 5G IIOT Network

Other Media

Bosch Portugal 5GtoB Smart Factory Video

Rui L. Aguiar speech on the 5GAIner openning ceremony

MEC as a Service Concepts presented at the OSM#13 Ecosystem Day

AMazING testbed in operation


Corujo, D., Quevedo, J., Aguiar, R.L. et al. An Economic Assessment of the Contributions of 5G into the Railways and Energy Sectors. Wireless Pers Commun (2022)